384 years after Tokugawa Iesu takes control of Japan, beau was launch to the face of humanity in a small town of cainta, rizal (yes, this is Philippines). he attended 4 elementary schools where he ate fishballs, bought dancing capsules, played the common childs play but never learned to play "trumpo" for some reason. he settled his high school years in cavite where he still ate fishballs. beau did not finish college and currently toils in a call center company. now he eats kwek kwek.
this is the description that i have in my networking site pages. its a bit of something about myself that generally tells about me. i wanted to have my self description to look like those authors-personal-info type that you see in a book. i like books... but i'm a lousy reader, i like writing, it takes my stress away... but i found my writing crappy so most of them ended up in the trash bin
you may notice the historical citation, i think i got it from Bob Ong
in a book though, the author's info is usually written by someone who is personally or professionally related to the author but i cant find someone who would waste their time writing something about me just to be posted in a networking site so i wrote mine myself...
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