Tuesday, December 28, 2010


It was Christmas, and I wrote one story. You know that joke became a byword? Everybody was using it during Christmas time. It’s about the Three Kings. Somebody told them, you just follow the star, and when it stops, that’s where the Savior will be. So the star stopped, and below it was the manger.
So they all dismounted, bearing their gifts, frankincense and myrrh. . . . The first king went inside, and then the second king went in. When the third king was going in, he tripped and said, “Oh, Jesus Christ!” And then Joseph said,
“You know, Mary, that’s a better name than Irving.” Irving Christ . . .
Johnny Carson was laughing his head off.

-Gary Lising, 64
comedian, writer,  entrepreneur 

photography: Steve Tirona

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